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CND Training
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Module 01: Computer Network and Defense Fundamentals
Network Fundamentals
Computer Network
Types of Network
Major Network Topologies
Network Components
Network Interface Card (NIC)
TCP/IP Networking Basics
Standard Network Models: OSI Model
Standard Network Models: TCP/IP Model
Comparing OSI and TCP/IP
TCP/IP Protocol Stack
Domain Name System (DNS)
DNS Packet Format
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
TCP Header Format
TCP Services
TCP Operation
Three-way handshake
User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
UDP Operation
IP Header
IP Header: Protocol Field
What is Internet Protocol v6 (IPv6)?
IPv6 Header
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
Format of an ICMP Message
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
ARP Packet Format
Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI)
Token Ring
Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI)
Token Ring
IP Addressing
Format of an ICMP Message
IP Addressing
Classful IP Addressing
Address Classes
Reserved IP Address
Subnet Masking
IPv6 Addressing
Difference between IPv4 and IPv6
IPv4 compatible IPv6 Address
Computer Network Defense (CND)
Computer Fundamental Attributes
What CND is NOT
CND Layers
CND Layer 1: Technologies
CND Layer 2: Operations
CND Layer 3: People
Blue Teaming
Network Defense-In-Depth
Typical Secure Network Design
CND Triad
CND Process
CND Actions
CND Approaches
Module 02: Network Security Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Attacks
Essential Terminologies
Network Security Concerns
Why does Network Security Concern arise?
Fundamental Network Security Threats
Types of Network Security Threats
Where do they arise from?
How does a network security breach affect business continuity?
Network Security Vulnerabilities
Types of Network Security Vulnerabilities
Technological Vulnerabilities
Configuration Vulnerabilities
Security policy Vulnerabilities
Types of Network Security Attacks
Network Reconnaissance Attacks
Reconnaissance Attacks
Reconnaissance Attacks: ICMP Scanning
Reconnaissance Attacks: Ping Sweep
Reconnaissance Attacks: DNS Footprinting
Reconnaissance Attacks: Network Range Discovery
Reconnaissance Attacks: Network Topology Identification
Reconnaissance Attacks: Network Information Extraction using Nmap Scan
Reconnaissance Attacks: Port Scanning
Reconnaissance Attacks: Network Sniffing
How an Attacker Hacks the Network Using Sniffers
Reconnaissance Attacks: Social Engineering Attacks
Network Access Attacks
Password Attacks
Password Attack Techniques
Dictionary Attack
Brute Forcing Attacks
Hybrid Attack
Birthday Attack
Rainbow Table Attack
Man-in-the-Middle Attack
Replay Attack
Smurf Attack
Spam and Spim
Xmas Attack
Privilege Escalation
DNS Poisoning
DNS Cache Poisoning
ARP Poisoning
DHCP Attacks: DHCP Starvation Attacks
DHCP Attacks: DHCP Spoofing Attack
Switch Port Stealing
Spoofing Attacks
MAC Spoofing/Duplicating
Denial of Service (DOS) Attacks
Distributed Denial-of-Service Attack (DDoS)
Malware Attacks
Types of Malware: Trojan
Types of Malware: Virus and Armored Virus
Malware Attacks
Logic Bomb
Polymorphic malware
Module 03: Network Security Controls, Protocols, and Devices
Fundamental Elements of Network Security
Network Security Controls
Network Security Protocols
Network Security Perimeter Appliances
Network Security Controls
Access Control
Access Control Terminology
Access Control Principles
Access Control System: Administrative Access Control
Access Control System: Physical Access Controls
Access Control System: Technical Access Controls
Types of Access Control
Discretionary Access Control (DAC)
Mandatory Access Control (MAC)
Role-based Access
Network Access Control (NAC)
NAC Solutions
User Identification, Authentication, Authorization and Accounting
Types of Authentication: Password Authentication
Types of Authentication: Two-factor Authentication
Types of Authentication: Biometrics
Types of Authentication: Smart Card Authentication
Types of Authentication: Single Sign-on (SSO)
Types of Authorization Systems
Centralized Authorization
Implicit Authorization
Decentralized Authorization
Explicit Authorization
Authorization Principles
Least privilege
Separation of duties
Symmetric Encryption
Asymmetric Encryption
Hashing: Data Integrity
Digital Signatures
Digital Certificates
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
Security Policy
Network Security Policy
Key Consideration for Network Security Policy
Types of Network Security Policies
Network Security Devices
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Proxy Server
Symmetric Encryption
Asymmetric Encryption
Advantages of using Honeypots
Honeypot Tools
Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
IDS/IPS Solutions
Network Protocol Analyzer
How it Works
Advantages of using Network Protocol Analyzer
Network Protocol Analyzer Tools
Internet Content Filter
Advantages of using Internet Content Filters
Internet Content Filters
Integrated Network Security Hardware
Network Security Protocols
Transport Layer
Network Layer
Application Layer
Data Link Layer
Pretty Good Service (PGP) Protocol
S/MIME Protocol
How it Works?
Difference between PGP and S/MIME
Secure HTTP
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)
Transport Layer Security (TLS)
Internet Protocol Security (IPsec)
Module 04: Network Security Policy Design and Implementation
Module 04: Network Security Policy Design and Implementation
Hierarchy of Security Policy
Characteristics of a Good Security Policy
Contents of Security Policy
Typical Policy Content
Policy Statements
Steps to Create and Implement Security Policies
Considerations Before Designing a Security Policy
Design of Security Policy
Policy Implementation Checklist
Types of Information Security Policy
Enterprise information security policy (EISP
Issue-specific security policy (ISSP)
System-specific security policy (SSSP)
Internet Access Policies
Promiscuous Policy
Permissive Policy
Paranoid Policy
Prudent Policy
Acceptable-Use Policy
User-Account Policy
Remote-Access Policy
Information-Protection Policy
Firewall-Management Policy
Special-Access Policy
Network-Connection Policy
Business-Partner Policy
Email Security Policy
Passwords Policy
Physical Security Policy
Information System Security Policy
Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) Policy
Software/Application Security Policy
Data Backup Policy
Confidential Data Policy
Data Classification Policy
Internet Usage Policies
Server Policy
Wireless Network Policy
Incidence Response Plan (IRP)
User Access Control Policy
Switch Security Policy
Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDS/IPS) Policy
Personal Device Usage Policy
Encryption Policy
Router Policy
Security Policy Training and Awareness
ISO Information Security Standards
ISO/IEC 27001:2013: Information technology — Security Techniques— Information security Management Systems — Requirements
ISO/IEC 27033: Information technology -- Security techniques -- Network security
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS)
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
Information Security Acts: Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX)
Information Security Acts: Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)
Information Security Acts: The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and Federal
Information Security Management Act (FISMA)
Other Information Security Acts and Laws
Cyber Law in Different Countries
Module 05: Physical Security
Physical Security
Need for Physical Security
Factors Affecting Physical Security
Physical Security Controls
Administrative Controls
Physical Controls
Technical Controls
Physical Security Controls: Location and Architecture Considerations
Physical Security Controls: Fire Fighting Systems
Physical Security Controls: Physical Barriers
Physical Security Controls: Security Personnel
Access Control, Authentication Techniques
Authentication Techniques: Knowledge Factors
Authentication Techniques: Ownership Factors
Authentication Techniques: Biometric Factors
Physical Security Controls
Physical Locks
Mechanical locks
Digital locks
Combination locks
Electronic /Electric /Electromagnetic locks
Concealed Weapon/Contraband Detection Devices
Security Labels and Warning Signs
Alarm System
Video Surveillance
Physical Security Policies and Procedures
Other Physical Security Measures
Lighting System
Power Supply
Workplace Security
Reception Area
Server/ Backup Device Security
Critical Assets and Removable Devices
Securing Network Cables
Securing Portable Mobile Devices
Personnel Security: Managing Staff Hiring and Leaving Process
Laptop Security Tool: EXO5
Laptop Tracking Tools
Environmental Controls
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Shielding
Hot and Cold Aisles
Physical Security: Awareness /Training
Physical Security Checklists
Module 06: Host Security
Host Security
Common Threats Specific to Host Security
Where do they come from?
Why Host Security?
Before Configuring Host Security: Identify the purpose of each Host
Host Security Baselining
OS Security
Operating System Security Baselining
Common OS Security Configurations
Windows Security
Windows Security Baselining: Example
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA)
Setting up BIOS Password
Auditing Windows Registry
User and Password Management
Disabling Unnecessary User Accounts
Configuring user authentication
Patch Management
Configuring an update method for Installing Patches
Patch Management Tools
Disabling Unused System Services
Set Appropriate Local Security Policy Settings
Configuring Windows Firewall
Protecting from Viruses
Antivirus Software
Protecting from spyware
Email Security: Anti Spammer
Spam Filtering Software
Enabling Pop-up Blockers
Windows Logs Review and Audit
Log Review Recommendations
Event IDs in Windows Event log
Configuring Host-based IDS/IPS
Host-based IDS: OSSEC
AlienVault Unified Security Management (USM)
Additional Host-Based Ideas
File System Security: Setting Access Controls and Permission to Files and Folders
Creating and Securing a Windows file share
File and File System Encryption
EFS Limitations
Data encryption Recommendations
DATA Encryption Tools
Linux Security
Linux Baseline Security Checker: buck-security
Password Management
Disabling Unnecessary Services
Killing unnecessary processes
Linux Patch Management
Understanding and checking Linux File Permissions
Changing File Permissions
Common File Permission Settings
Check and Verify Permissions for Sensitive Files and Directories
Host-based Firewall Protection with iptables
Linux Log review and Audit
Common Linux log files
System Log Viewer
Log Events to Look for
Securing Network Servers
Before Hardening Servers
Hardening Web Server
Hardening Email Server: Recommendations
Hardening FTP Servers: Recommendations
Hardening Routers and Switches
Hardening Routers: Recommendations
Hardening Switches
Hardening Switches-Recommendations
Logs Review and Audit: SYSLOG
GFI EventsManager: SYSLOG Server
Application/Software Security
Application Security
Application Security Phases
Application Security: Recommendations
Data Security
What is Data Loss Prevention (DLP)?
Best Practices to Prevent Data Loss
List of DLP Solution Vendors
Data Leak/Loss Prevention Tools
Virtualization Security
Virtualization Terminologies
Introduction to Virtualization
Characteristics of Virtualization
Benefits of Virtualization
Virtualization Vendors
Virtualization Security
Virtualization Security Concern
Securing Hypervisor
Securing Virtual machines
Implementing Software Firewall
Deploying Anti-virus Software
Encrypting the Virtual Machines
Secure Virtual Network Management
Methods to Secure Virtual Environment
Virtualization Security Best Practices for Network Defenders
Best Practices for Virtual Environment Security
Module 07: Secure Firewall Configuration and Management
Firewalls and Concerns
What Firewalls Does?
What should you not Ignore? Firewall Limitations
How Does a Firewall Work?
Firewall Rules
Types of Firewalls
Hardware Firewall
Software Firewall
Firewall Technologies
Packet Filtering Firewall
Circuit Level Gateway
Application Level Firewall
Stateful Multilayer Inspection Firewall
Multilayer Inspection Firewall
Application Proxy
Network Address Translation
Virtual Private Network
Firewall Topologies
Bastion host
Screened subnet
Multi-homed firewall
Choosing Right Firewall Topology
Firewall Rule Set & Policies
Build an Appropriate Firewall Ruleset
Blacklist vs. Whitelist
Example: Packet Filter Firewall Ruleset
Implement Firewall Policy
Periodic Review of Firewall Policies
Firewall Implementation
Before Firewall Implementation and Deployment
Firewall Implementation and Deployment
Planning Firewall Implementation
Factors to Consider before Purchasing any Firewall Solution
Configuring Firewall Implementation
Testing Firewall Implementation
Deploying Firewall Implementation
Managing and Maintaining Firewall Implementation
Firewall Administration
Firewall Administration: Deny Unauthorized Public Network Access
Firewall Administration: Deny Unauthorized Access Inside the Network
Firewall Administration: Restricting Client’s Access to External Host
Firewall Logging and Auditing
Firewall Logging
Firewall Logs
Firewall, Anti-evasion Techniques
Why Firewalls are Bypassed?
Full Data Traffic Normalization
Data Stream-based Inspection
Vulnerability-based Detection and Blocking
Firewall Security Recommendations and Best Practices
Secure Firewall Implementation: Best Practices
Secure Firewall Implementation: Recommendations
Secure Firewall Implementation: Do’s and Don’ts
Firewall Security Auditing Tools
Firewall Analyzer
Firewall Tester: Firewalk
Symantec Enterprise Firewall
Hardware Based Firewalls
Software Based Firewalls
Module 08: Secure IDS Configuration and Management
Intrusions and IDPs
General Indications of Intrusions
Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS)
Why do We Need IDPS?
Role of IDS in Network Defense
IDS Functions
What Events do IDS Examine?
What IDS is NOT?
IDS Activities
How IDS Works?
IDS Components
Network Sensors
Alert Systems
Command Console
Response System
Attack Signature Database
Intrusion Detection Steps
Intrusion Detection Steps
Approach-based IDS
Anomaly and Misuse Detection Systems
Behavior-based IDS
Protection-based IDS
Structure-based IDS
Analysis Timing-based IDS
Source Data Analysis based IDS
IDS Deployment Strategies
Staged IDS Deployment
Deploying Network-based IDS
Types of IDS Alerts
True Positive (Attack - Alert)
False Positive (No Attack - Alert)
False Negative (Attack - No Alert)
True Negative (No Attack - No Alert)
Dealing with False Positive/Alarm
What should be the Acceptable Levels of False Alarms?
Calculating False Positive/False Negative Rate
Dealing with False Negative
Excluding False Positive Alerts with Cisco Secure IPS
Characteristics of a Good IDS
IDS mistakes that should be avoided
IPS Technologies
IPS Placement
IPS Functions
Need of IPS
Types of IPS
Network-Based IPS
Host-Based IPS
Wireless IPS
Network Behavior Analysis (NBA) System
Network-Based IPS
Network-Based IPS: Security Capabilities
Placement of IPS Sensors
Host-Based IPS
Host-Based IPS Architecture
Wireless IPS
WLAN Components and Architecture
Wireless IPS: Network Architecture
Security Capabilities
Network Behavior Analysis (NBA) System
NBA Components and Sensor Locations
NBA Security Capabilities
IDPS Product Selection Considerations
General Requirements
Security Capability Requirements
Performance Requirements
Management Requirements
Life Cycle Costs
IDS Counterparts
Complementing IDS
Vulnerability Analysis or Assessment Systems
Advantages & Disadvantages of Vulnerability Analysis
File Integrity Checkers
File Integrity Checkers Tools
Honey Pot & Padded Cell Systems
Honey Pot and Padded Cell System Tools
IDS Evaluation: Snort
IDS/IPS Solutions
IDS Products and Vendors
Module 09: Secure VPN Configuration and Management
Understanding Virtual Private Network (VPN)
How VPN works?
Why Establish VPN?
VPN Components
VPN Client
Tunnel Terminating Device
Network Access Server (NAS)
VPN Protocol
VPN Concentrators
Functions of VPN Concentrator
Types of VPN
Client-to-site (Remote-access) VPNs
Site-to-Site VPNs
Establishing Connections with VPN
VPN Categories
Hardware VPNs
Hardware VPN Products
Software VPNs
Software VPN Products
Selecting Appropriate VPN
VPN Core Functions
VPN Technologies
VPN Topologies
Hub-and-Spoke VPN Topology
Point-to-Point VPN Topology
Full Mesh VPN Topology
Star Topology
Common VPN Flaws
VPN Fingerprinting
Insecure Storage of Authentication Credentials by VPN Clients
Username Enumeration Vulnerabilities
Offline Password Cracking
Man- in- the Middle Attacks
Lack of Account Lockout
Poor Default Configurations
Poor Guidance and Documentation
VPN Security
VPN Encryption and Security Protocols
Symmetric Encryption
Asymmetric Encryption
Authentication for VPN Access
VPN Security: IPsec Server
AAA Server
Connect to VPN: SSH and PPP
Connect to VPN: Concentrator
VPN Security – Radius
Quality of Service and Performance in VPNs
Improving VPN Speed
Quality of Service (QOS) in VPNs
SSL VPN Deployment Considerations
Client security
Client integrity scanning
Secure logoff and credential wiping
Timeouts and re-authentication
Virus, malicious code and worm activity
Audit and Activity Awareness
Internal Network Security Failings
SLAs for VPN
IP VPN Service Level Management
VPN Service Providers
Auditing and Testing the VPN
Testing VPN File Transfer
Best Security Practices for VPN Configuration
Recommendations for VPN Connection
Module 10: Wireless Network Defense
Wireless Terminologies
Wireless Networks
Advantages of Wireless Networks
Disadvantages of Wireless Networks
Wireless Standard
Wireless Topologies
Ad-hoc Standalone Network Architecture (IBSS - Independent Basic Service Set)
Infrastructure Network Topology (Centrally Coordinated Architecture/ BSS – Basic Service Set)
Typical Use of Wireless Networks
Extension to a Wired Network
Multiple Access Points
LAN-to-LAN Wireless Network
3G Hotspot
Components of Wireless Network
Access Point
Wireless Cards (NIC)
Wireless Modem
Wireless Bridge
Wireless Repeater
Wireless Router
Wireless Gateways
Wireless USB Adapter
Directional Antenna
Parabolic Grid Antenna
Dipole Antenna
Omnidirectional Antenna
Yagi Antenna
Reflector Antennas
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) Encryption
WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) Encryption
WPA2 Encryption
WEP vs. WPA vs. WPA2
Wi-Fi Authentication Method
Open System Authentication
Shared Key Authentication
Wi-Fi Authentication Process Using a Centralized Authentication Server
Wireless Network Threats
War Driving
Client Mis-association
Unauthorized Association
Honeypot Access Point (Evil Twin) Attack
Rogue Access Point Attack
Misconfigured Access Point Attack
Ad Hoc Connection Attack
AP MAC Spoofing
Denial-of-Service Attack
WPA-PSK Cracking
ARP Poisoning Attack
WEP Cracking
Man-in-the-Middle Attack
Fragmentation Attack
Jamming Signal Attack
Bluetooth Threats
Leaking Calendars and Address Books
Bugging Devices
Sending SMS Messages
Causing Financial Losses
Remote Control
Social Engineering
Malicious Code
Protocol Vulnerabilities
Wireless Network Security
Creating an Inventory of Wireless Devices
Placement of Wireless AP
Placement of Wireless Antenna
Disable SSID Broadcasting
Selecting Stronger Wireless Encryption Mode
Implementing MAC Address Filtering
Monitoring Wireless Network Traffic
Defending Against WPA Cracking
Client Settings
Passphrase Complexity
Additional Controls
Detecting Rogue Access Points
Wireless Scanning:
Wired-side Network Scanning
SNMP Polling
Wi-Fi Discovery Tools
Insider and NetSurveyor
Vistumbler and NetStumbler
Locating Rogue Access points
Protecting from Denial-of-Service Attacks: Interference
Assessing Wireless Network Security
Wi-Fi Security Auditing Tool: AirMagnet WiFi Analyzer
WPA Security Assessment Tool
Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor
Cain & Abel
Wi-Fi Vulnerability Scanning Tools
Deploying Wireless IDS (WIDS) and Wireless IPS (WIPS)
Typical Wireless IDS/IPS Deployment
Adaptive Wireless IPS
Configuring Security on Wireless Routers
Additional Wireless Network Security Guidelines
Module 11: Network Traffic Monitoring and Analysis
Network Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (Introduction)
Advantages of Network Traffic Monitoring and Analysis
Network Monitoring and Analysis: Techniques
Router Based
Non-Router based
Router-Based Monitoring Techniques
SNMP Monitoring
Netflow Monitoring
Non-Router-Based Monitoring Techniques
Packet Sniffers
Network Monitors
Network Monitoring: Positioning your Machine at an Appropriate Location
Connecting Your Machine to Managed Switch
Network Traffic Signatures
Normal Traffic Signature
Attack Signatures
Baselining Normal Traffic Signatures
Categories of Suspicious Traffic Signatures
Unauthorized access
Denial of service
Attack Signature Analysis Techniques
Content-based Signatures Analysis
Context-based Signatures Analysis
Atomic Signatures-based Analysis
Composite Signatures-based Analysis
Packet Sniffer: Wireshark
Understanding Wireshark Components
Wireshark Capture and Display Filters
Monitoring and Analyzing FTP Traffic
Monitoring and Analyzing TELNET Traffic
Monitoring and Analyzing HTTP Traffic
Detecting OS Fingerprinting Attempts
Detecting Passive OS Fingerprinting Attempts
Detecting Active OS Fingerprinting Attempts
Detecting ICMP-Based OS Fingerprinting
Detecting TCP-Based OS Fingerprinting
Examine Nmap Process for OS Fingerprinting
Detecting PING Sweep Attempt
Detecting ARP Sweep/ ARP Scan Attempt
Detecting TCP Scan Attempt
TCP Half Open/ Stealth Scan Attempt
TCP Full Connect Scan
TCP Null Scan Attempt
TCP Xmas Scan Attempt
Detecting SYN/FIN DDOS Attempt
Detecting UDP Scan Attempt
Detecting Password Cracking Attempts
Detecting FTP Password Cracking Attempts
Detecting Sniffing (MITM) Attempts
Detecting the Mac Flooding Attempt
Detecting the ARP Poisoning Attempt
Additional Packet Sniffing Tools
Network Monitoring and Analysis
PRTG Network Monitor
Bandwidth Monitoring
Bandwidth Monitoring - Best Practices
Bandwidth Monitoring Tools
Module 12: Network Risk and Vulnerability Management
What is Risk?
Risk Levels
Risk Matrix
Risk Management Benefits
Key Roles and Responsibilities in Risk management
Key Risk Indicators (KRI)
Risk Management Phase
Risk Identification
Establishing Context
Quantifying Risks
Risk Assessment
Risk Analysis
Risk Prioritization
Risk Treatment
Risk Treatment Steps
Risk Tracking & Review
Enterprise Network Risk Management
Enterprise Risk Management Framework (ERM)
Goals of ERM Framework
NIST Risk Management Framework
COSO ERM Framework
COBIT Framework
Risk Management Information Systems (RMIS)
Tools for RMIS
Enterprise Network Risk Management Policy
Best Practices for Effective Implementation of Risk Management
Vulnerability Management
Asset Prioritization
Advantages of Vulnerability Assessment
Requirements for Effective Network Vulnerability Assessment
Types of Vulnerability Assessment
Steps for Effective External Vulnerability Assessment
Vulnerability Assessment Phases
Network Vulnerability Assessment Tools
Choosing a Vulnerability Assessment Tool
Choosing a Vulnerability Assessment Tool: Deployment Practices and Precautions
Sample Vulnerability Management Reports
Remediation Steps
Remediation Plan
Module 13: Data Backup and Recovery
Introduction to Data Backup
Backup Strategy/Plan
Identifying Critical Business Data
Selecting Backup Media
RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) Technology
Advantages/Disadvantages of RAID systems
RAID Storage Architecture
RAID Level 0: Disk Striping
RAID Level 1: Disk Mirroring
RAID Level 3: Disk Striping with Parity
RAID Level 5: Block Interleaved Distributed Parity
RAID Level 10: Blocks Striped and Mirrored
RAID Level 50: Mirroring and Striping across Multiple RAID Levels
Selecting Appropriate RAID Levels
Hardware and Software RAIDs
RAID Usage Best Practices
Storage Area Network (SAN)
Advantages of SAN
SAN Backup Best Practices
SAN Data Storage and Backup Management Tools
Network Attached Storage (NAS)
Types of NAS Implementation
Integrated NAS System
Gateway NAS System
Selecting Appropriate Backup Method
Hot Backup (Online)
Cold Backup (Offline)
Warm Backup (Nearline)
Choosing the Right Location for Backup
On-site Data Backup
Off-site Data Backup
Cloud Data Backup
Backup Types
Full/Normal Data Backup
Differential Data Backup
Incremental Data Backup
Backup Types Advantages and Disadvantages
Choosing Right Backup Solution
Data Backup Software: AOMEI Backupper
Data Backup Tools for Windows
Data Backup Tools for MAC OS X
Conducting Recovery Drill Test
Data Recovery
Windows Data Recovery Tool
Recover My Files
EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard
PC INSPECTOR File Recovery
Data Recovery Tools for MAC OS X
RAID Data Recovery Services
SAN Data Recovery Software
NAS Data Recovery Services
Module 14: Network Incident Response and Management
Incident Handling and Response
Incident Response Team Members: Roles and Responsibilities
First Responder
Network Administrators as First Responders
What Should You Know?
First Response Steps by Network Administrators
Avoid Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD)
Make an Initial Incident Assessment
Determining Severity Levels
Communicate the Incident
Contain the Damage: Avoid Further Harm
Control Access to Suspected Devices
Collect and Prepare Information about Suspected Device
Record Your Actions
Restrict Yourself from Doing Investigation
Do Not Change the State of the Suspected Device
Disable Virus Protection
Incident Handling and Response Process
Overview of IH&R Process Flow
Preparation for Incident Handling and Response
Detection and Analysis
Classification and Prioritization
Incident Prioritization
Notification and Planning
Guidelines for Incident Containment
Forensic Investigation
Network Forensics Investigation
People Involved in Forensics Investigation
Typical Forensics Investigation Methodology
Eradication and Recovery
Systems Recovery
Post-incident Activities
Incident Documentation
Incident Damage and Cost Assessment
Review and Update the Response Policies
Training and Awareness
Coming Soon !!
A Certified Network Defender (CND) is a set of security parameters for computer networks to detect, monitor, protect, and analyze network issues. CND protects computer systems and networks of military/government organizations from network attacks. Network security methodologies, bug identification, and resolving techniques are explained by our experienced faculty. In addition, our CND training also includes network defence concepts, security protocols, and firewall configuration to achieve operational flexibility during attacks.
Cyber Eagle Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. Training Majorly Focusses on Providing:
Concepts of Computer Network and Defense Fundamentals
Knowledge of Network Security Controls, Protocols and Devices
Explaining the design and implementation procedures of the Network Security Policy
Explaining the need for Physical Security and Host security
Knowledge of Secure Firewall, IDS and VPN Configuration and Management
What is Wireless Network Defense?
Management & Analysis of Network Traffic Monitoring, Network Risk and Vulnerability
Concepts of Data Backup and Recovery
Session on How Network Incident Response and Management operations?
CND Training Format:
Live interactive sessions by our highly qualified instructors
LMS Accessibility and Lab Accessibility
CND certification at the end of the CND Training Tutorial
Benefits of Our CND Training:
CND training allows a candidate to go for training as per his/her flexibility
Web-based training gives the flexibility to log-in from either home, office or from anywhere
The session will be started at per time preferred by the candidate
Our trainers are professionals with real-life experience that will cement your career path
Our LMS and lab accessibility will give the opportunity to go back and review sessions and the candidates can track their training journey
Online Course Fee is less in comparison to classroom/offline sessions
How does Our CND Training Certification Benefits You? Cyber Eagle Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. Training provides a verified EC council CND Certification at the end of the tutorial. Certification is like a professional documentary proof that depicts the candidate’s eligibility for a specified job. Guidance is provided to accomplish project works at your own pace. Multiple Career Opportunities exist in the Market for a Certified CND Professional: A certified CND individual has high demand in the market with an attractive pay scale. Multiple companies are hiring certified CND professionals and offering high CTC with various designations like a Security Operation Engineer, Cyber Security Engineer, Cyber Security Analyst, Incident Response Analyst etc. What are the Pre-requisites Needed to Learn CND Course:
Knowledge of network security protocols and basic operations
Knowledge of Windows/Unix/Linux operating system commands
Targeted Audience to Learn CND (v9) Course:
Security Analyst
Security Operator
Network Admin Professionals
Network Security Engineer
Network Defense Professionals
Already Working CND Professional
Anyone who has an interest in networking activities
Our Learners Come From?
Online learners will come from across the world. We have an Offline presence in over 30 countries across the world. Predominantly, we are the leading CND training institute in Hyderabad, Bhubaneswar, Kolkata, and Vizag.